Climatic chamber ACS ANYVIB 1200-5
Climatic chamber ACS UY 150 VT
Climatic chamber IMV SYN-5HW-40-VH
Climatic chamber Weiss C/1200/70/5/V
Climatic chamber Weiss WK/600/5/V
Compression tester TLS 25 kN
Drop machine Lansmont PDT-56
Hydraulic shaker Lansmont LS 15000-40
Impact machine Centrotecnica
Inclined Impact 01 Centrotecnica
Low pressure test chamber Tenney T5 ST
Qualmark OVTTTM 18
Shaker IMV A74 with slip table
Shaker IMV A74 with slip table and climatic chamber
Shaker IMV i240 with slip table
Shaker IMV i240 with slip table and climatic chamber
Shaker IMV J240 with slip table and climatic chamber
Shaker IMV J260 with slip table
Shaker IMV K200 with slip table in ISO 8 clean room
Shaker LDS V730
Shaker LDS V730 with climatic chamber
Shaker LDS V824 LS with slip table
Shaker LDS V850-440T with slip table
Shaker LDS V864 with slip table in white room
Shaker LDS V895 with slip table
Shaker Lo.F.Hi.S. Centrotecnica
Shock Machine AVCO 105
Shock Machine AVCO 220
System Centrifuge Centrotecnica